Solar PhotoVoltaic (PV)

Use energy produced by the sun to power your home

Evergreen are experienced, MCS registered installers of domestic and commercial Solar PV systems in East Devon and West Dorset, and across the UK.

There is no longer a Feed in Tariff incentive scheme, so it is now more important than ever to get the best out of your own 'mini green powerstation'. We will help you to use as much of your own generated power as possible, and to minimise how much power is imported and exported to the grid - saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint.

We supply and install battery / energy storage products, allowing you to use more of your own power even after the sun has gone down. We install 'immersion controllers', which send spare generated power directly to the immersion heater in your hot water cylinder - this will provide free hot water for much of the year.

Evergreen also install electric vehicle charging points - charge your EV with free energy from the sun!

This is an example of the free online monitoring provided by SolarEdge. Your personal monitoring portal shows generation, self-consumption, imported power and battery storage levels enabling you to make the most of your self-generated power. Watch the video here.

We are MCS Certified

MCS is a mark of quality. Using an MCS certified installer ensures that equipment meets good standards of performance and that installers are technically safe and competent. MCS certified Installers have undergone a rigorous vetting process to demonstrate that they adhere to MCS Standards.

Interested in Solar PV?

Contact us for a free assessment of your property

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Ground Mounted Solar PV

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Commercial Solar PV

Increasingly companies are looking to reduce their overheads and secure a reliable energy source. Energy prices will continue to increase, so it makes sense to generate your own electricity and get paid for doing so.


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